There is a  need of procedural  languages because they provide a shape  approach to solving complex problems by breaking them down more workable tasks.

need of procedural language
procedural programming language

           Meaning of procedural language

there is an alarming  need of procedural  languages in today’s world  because a procedural language is a type of programming language that follows a specific set of procedural or steps to perform a task or solve a problem. In other words, it  allows programmers to write a series of step by step instructions  that the computer can follow. This is different from other languages, like declarative languages, that  define the problem solving. Rather than the steps to solve it.  Examples of procedural  languages are C, Fortran, and Pascal.



 Some of the key benefits of using procedural             programming languages include:

  • Reusability: Procedures can be write down once . And  are reuse able throughout a program, as well as  making it easier to maintain.
  • Modularity: Procedures can be develop freely  of the rest of the programs , it makes it  easier for  testing and debug.
  • Efficiency: Procedural  languages are often more handy than other types of programming languages because they use fewer system resources.
  • Clarity: Procedures provide a clear and concise way of express chain of tasks , making it easy to understand and modify code.

Overall, procedural  languages are an important tool for planners to create handy and maintainable program.


                 Uses of procedural language


                   Procedural languages are of broad use in a                                    variety of applications, including:

  • System programming:  languages like C and assembly language are of a common use in system programming to write operating systems, and other program.
  • Scientific computing:   languages like Fortran and MATLAB are also handy  in scientific calculations apps for eg. simulations and modelling.
  • Business applications:  languages like COBOL and RPG are of general  use in business applications, for eg. financial  and accounting management.
  • Game development:  languages such as C++ and Java are also useful  in game development to write game engines and game-software.
  • Web development:  languages such as PHP and ASP is helpful  in web development to write server-side scripts and web apps.

Overall, procedural programming languages has a wide range of applications in various industries and domains.



In conclusion, a procedural language is a type of programming language that follows a specific set of procedures or steps to perform a task or solve a problem. Procedural programming languages provide a structured approach to solving complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Some of the key benefits of using procedural programming languages include reusability, modularity, efficiency, and clarity. 


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